Friday, December 18, 2009

is it ever a bad idea.....

so, i'm three months pregnant (i know!! get outta here right?!?!?!) and i found myself thinking the following at about 3:00 p.m. this afternoon....."would it be a bad idea to sit here at my desk with my jeans unbuttoned??"

not gonna lie: i did it. i unbuttoned my jeans. it felt great.....until my coworker came in to talk to me and i had to sit with my arms crossed over my unbuttoned pants for the next 15 minutes.

i ended up spilling my guts (punny huh??) to her as we were leaving work and walking through the parking lot to our cars. lucky for me, she thought it was funny and not the least bit gross. my bean is destined to have one classy momma.

bananas for monkey bread.

*tap* *tap* is this thing on??

well, hello there friends! sorry for the all honesty, i don't have the best excuse as to why i've not been blogging. so, how's about i offer up my sincere apology to the gagillions of readers out there and we forgive and forget? kapeesh?

last weekend two of my favorite buds, k and e, hosted a holiday party featuring snacks and sweets. i had recently read about monkey bread on the pioneer woman and was immediately intrigued. cinnamon? butter? sugar? BISCUITS?!?! sign me up! i figured that the party would be a good place to test the recipe.

behold my dears....THIS is monkey bread:

AND it's amazing - make it right this instant!!!! while the caloric content is out of this world, the simplicity of the recipe makes it totally worth all the calories. nothing better than an easy, extremely bad for you piece of deliciousness right? that's the magic of the holidays my friends.

image via the pioneer woman.